My rating: 4 of 5 stars
On the cover of the thumbnail of this book the second part of the title reads "and find yourself in nature". I presume this was the author's preference. My hardcopy has a different subtitle "wisdom from a life in nature", which is simply preposterous. The author relates observations. He very clearly avoids drawing 'wisdom' from them. Indeed this 'wisdom' title runs contrary to the main point of the book: that observations are valuable and meaningful for their own sake, not as a means of obtaining wisdom or anything else for that matter. I guess it was added by an overly enthusiastic editor to try to boost sales? Title quibbles aside, I really enjoyed the book. Having done a bit of mole hunting myself, though far less intensely and successfully than the author, and also spent some time in, and thinking about, nature, I enjoyed reading about these things. The zen-like philosophy and poetry were ok, but the real enjoyment, came from the moles.
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