Friday, May 13, 2016


After five years in Kenya - on the 4th of July 2016 - we are moving to Japan. For the first time the 'we' comprises only me and Min Ku, since both boys will be away in University in the USA. It will also be our first time living long term in Asia - following Boston USA (7 years), Toronto Canada (2 years), Berne Switzerland (7 years), Paris France (7 years) and Nairobi Kenya (5 years) we now look forward to experiencing Osaka Japan for (? years).

From these nighttime pictures the two places look practically identical. At street level though, I'm sure they are quite different. The Nairobi central business district is basically a no-go area at night (I certainly never ventured there) due to the combined disincentives of horrendous traffic and crime. The Osaka central district is extremely safe and restaurant filled as far as I can make out from the internet.

Both places also have primates, as pictured above, though the wildlife safaris we have enjoyed in Kenya will have to be exchanged for historical/cultural/manicured-nature safaris in Japan. The weather in Nairobi is ostensibly perfect - basically 28 degrees all year long, but I must admit to looking forward to seasons again - skiing in winter, cherry blossoms and baseball games in the spring, sweltering summers to escape at the seaside or in the mountains, and beautiful crisp autumn days.

Interestingly, the currencies are of almost identical value, so it will not be hard at all to adjust to how much things cost in terms of numbers - just swap out the units. Today 1000 Japanese Yen are worth 900 Kenyan Shillings (about 10 dollars either way).

I keep thinking of interesting picture combinations to compare and contrast Osaka and Nairobi and appending them here. This one is a Takoyaki restaurant advertising installation from the downtown Osaka shopping area 'dontonbori' and a sculpture installed this week for the 2nd United Nations Environmental Assembly made entirely from old flip flops washed up on Kenyan beaches.


In Kenya, I blogged excitedly about all that was new and interesting for about six months. I wonder how long I will last in Japan?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Post Paris - My Take

I posted this on Linkedin 16 December 2015

Optimists estimate the Paris Accord will reduce from business as usual ~6C warming to 'well below 2 with measures taken towards achieving 1.5' (the target in the accord, paraphrased from memory). Lowball estimates (eg. Bjorn Lomborg) are that it will have an effect of 0.05C. The truth will no doubt lie somewhere between these two, and no doubt does not depend on the accord alone, but if/how it is followed up in practice. Note that even the denialist estimates 0.05C, so yes, it will have an effect. The chance of keeping the world below 2C warming is, however, in my opinion, almost nil, we will fail to hit that target the same way we will fail to achieve any of the 'sustainable development goals' - these are really mostly unachievable aspirational targets that seek to catalyze progress in the right direction. The mood is very positive, and such positivity can be a good catalyst. Indeed, the biggest win was one of politics. The UN works. Countries are unified. THis political capital could be squandered (as GWBush famously did in his second term) or could, everyone hopes, deliver substantial progress towards the goals of 2C on mitigation, and building resilience on the adaptation side.